The following are some common and popular Japanese snacks that you can enjoy while visiting Japan:


Delicious Japanese Melon Bread in Japan, Asakusa

A type of bread made by adding lemon to enriched dough, melonpan is a traditional Japanese snack that resembles a cantaloupe. It is available in other flavors, including chocolate, maple, caramel, and custard, and is also popular in other countries, such as China and Taiwan.


Dorayaki. Japanese bean jam pancake

Prepared by sandwiching together two pancakes with sweet azuki red bean paste filling in the middle, dorayaki is a sweet Japanese snack that is best consumed while still hot. It can also be served by adding other ingredients, such as Nutella and whipped cream.


Hanami dango has three colors,traditionally made during Sakura-viewing season

A year-round favorite Japanese snack, dango is made from rice flour rolled into small balls and skewered, and then boiled in water. Once cooked, it is seasoned or topped with different ingredients, such as anko or red bean paste, chestnut paste, and syrup.


Japanese traditional summer sweet,ball of bean paste covered with kudzu starch glaze

A type of steamed bun that is a bit sticky in texture and is typically filled with red bean paste, manju is a common traditional confection in Japan. It also comes in several varieties with different types of filling, such as green tea, orange, and maple.


Anpan round soft bread with azuki bean jam in its center

A sweet bread roll, usually with red bean paste filling, anpan is believed to have first been produced in 1875 by a samurai who took on the role of a baker after losing his job. Through the years, it became more and more loved by locals as it has the familiar sweet flavor of anko or red bean paste, which is a traditional Japanese ingredient usually used to sweeten food. Anpan is best consumed with tea.


Snack of senbei rice cake japanese

Japan’s version of rice crackers, senbei is a flavoursome snack that is prepared by either baking or grilling sweet rice flour dough (mixed with a number of ingredients) over charcoal. It can be seasoned with mirin, soy sauce, and other flavouring sauces to produce a burst of different flavors.


sweet chocolate

First made available in stores in 1966, Pocky is a popular Japanese snack made of biscuit sticks coated with chocolate. It is widely sold in supermarkets and food stores all over the country, and has also garnered recognition in neighbouring Asian countries like Taiwan, South Korea, China, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia. It also comes in other flavours, such as almond, strawberry, grape, banana, melon, azuki bean, tangerine, and Kobe wine.